
Showing posts from May, 2023

Facts About the Flush: What You Should Know About Toilet Repair

Toilets are an important plumbing fixture in houses. They are used often and this is why they sustain a great deal of wear and tear resulting in plumbing issues over time. It is very important to  hire a professional for toilet leak repair s   so that you can have a functional and efficient toilet at home. Here are some of the facts about toilets and toilet repair  that homeowners should know about.  1.   It Is Common For Toilets To Get Clogged  Toilets can get clogged often due to factors ranging from a build-up of minerals, flushing certain items that shouldn’t be flushed, or sewer line backups. Toilet clogs should never be ignored and if you sense slow draining or no draining, it is time to call a  plumber.  2.   Toilet Leaks Waste a Lot of Water  (It’s More Than You Can Imagine) A toilet leak can waste up to 7 gallons of water per day and is one of the most common causes of high water bills. To ensure that your toilet is running pro...

Invisible Dangers of Gas Leaks And What To Do

Gas leaks are a serious hazard and can lead to loss of life. A study conducted by the American Chemical Society suggests that there are over 630,000 gas leaks every year . There are many dangers of gas leaks and it is quite difficult to detect a leak. In this article, we will discuss some tips for gas leak detection and also what st eps you should take during a gas leak.   What Are The Dangers Of  Gas Leaks Gas leaks  are quite dangerous as they can result in explosions. Gas is highly flammable and only takes a little bit of leakage to cause an explosion. If there is a  gas leak, t here is also a risk of monoxide poisoning which is deadly. Carbon monoxide is colorless and odorless so you won't be able to tell if there's a leak, save from the headaches, nausea, and dizziness caused by it, which can quickly prove to be fatal.  How To Tell If There Is a Gas Lea k?  The main danger with gas leaks  is that it goes unnoticed. This gas is invisible and it is...