How to Tell If Your House Has a Gas Leak

Gas leaks are a serious fire hazard. Every year, around 4,200 house fires are reported in the US that originate from natural gas. If you suspect your house has a gas leak, hire a gas leak detection service ASAP and have the leak repaired. For this article, we connected with the professionals at Wasden Plumbing . The team of Master Plumbers is a highly recommended leak detection service provider in Rowlett and Rockwall. Here are some ways to tell if your house has a gas leak. Try To The Smell The Leak Natural gas is odorless in its pure form. This can make natural gas hard to detect even if it reaches high enough levels to cause health problems. Gas companies add harmless compounds called "odorants" to give natural gas an artificial smell. Texas Gas Service adds the odorant mercaptan, which has a smell similar to that of rotten eggs. You probably have a gas leak if you smell rotten eggs for no obvious reason. Listen For Hissing Sounds Small gas leaks can be ...